Find Faith in the Battle

One line from a song. Just one line.

This one line seemed set apart by bold print as all the other words faded away.  Flashing like a neon sign in a store front window and with every ‘blink’ the words pushed farther into my thoughts.  Each time digging a little deeper into the crevices of my aching heart.

Find faith in the battle.

As we sang this song in church and these lyrics were on repeat in my mind, I began to question what battle am I fighting exactly“?

One battle in particular has left me feeling defeated, and other battles are a result of that defeat I feel.  Battles that have left my head and heart often at war.  I struggle with a constant state of balancing between emotion and Truth. When the heart wins, faith can be shaken, and then when the head takes control again, trust feels possible and faith triumphs!

My heart sees the pain and feels the wounds and scars. My head lives by faith and stands firm on Truth.  Then the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10) and the battle begins. Again.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” ~ Psalm 73:26

Find faith in the battle.

In those moments with the words on repeat in my mind, I pictured God standing on the front line fighting the battles I face  – not just along side me but for me as well. Providing me with an armor as He covers me with His love. Offering me protection from the enemy as He goes before me. “Never leaving or forsaking me”. (Deuteronomy 31:8) Aiding me in the battle as His plans for my life unfold. He says “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” ~ Deuteronomy 31:8

With the image of God standing on the front line etched in my mind, I was reminded that this is faithGod already won the battle!

In life this side of Heaven where battles knock us down, faith can always be found because our Savior reigns. And for the times when the head and heart are at war, God offers us grace and picks us up – sets our feet on solid ground again.

Find faith in the battle.

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” ~ Deuteronomy 31:8

At my daughters funeral, a dear friend hugged me with tears streaming down and said “we won, we won“! Yes we did!! Doesn’t lessen my pain any, but it does give me hope for my future. Because God fought the only real battle, I can rejoice with unmeasurable gratitude for the eternal life He provides. No more battles, no more pain.

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