
There’s a glow from the lamp softly illuminating the space in the room. I find my place in the cozy chair taking up space in the corner; curl my legs up tight and wrap myself in a blanket. A subtle pitter-patter of rain taps against the rooftop helps to erase the night silence.

It’s 2 am.

When I listen close, the falling drops of rain sound somewhat soothing, and yet at the same time … make me feel a tad bit more agitated on this sleepless night. Maybe because the tears streaming down my cheeks are mirroring the falling rain outside? A slow and steady release not noticeable to the rest of the world at 2 am.

If you were to look close you’d probably see the press that’s always on my heart. After awhile the heavy weight gives way and becomes too much. Then as it always does, 2 am calls and this battered heart screams out for a release. A release so my guard can come down; it’s just me, the silence of the night, and a Savior waiting to carry my load.

This 2 am call sadly won’t be the last for this hurting and pierced heart. Perhaps God does His best work in me when all is quiet in the middle of the night? I always find myself in the midst of weariness and circling back around to knowing I have two options; I can give way to the brokenness, or run to the One who can restore these broken bits.

Truth is, I don’t always find it easy to run and surrender right away. Perhaps because surrendering is not a ‘one-time-deal’!  This steady raging storm inside my soul makes it a repeated-daily-choice and it often feels both exhausting and overwhelming. The only beauty in this is knowing that God is also not a one time deal. He is a constant. He is always present and waiting to calm my storm. Hebrews 13:8 say “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” and what a comfort that is!

I am not sure what storm you may be facing? It might be that a storm is brewing or maybe the tide has just calmed? I only know that with each wave that tries to pull you under, it will always come down to two options. Give way and drown, or allow God to throw you a llfe-ring. This world in essence is one big storm. Run to the One who knows how to rescue and pave the way to eternity where the storms will no longer rage.

He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed ~ Psalm 107:29

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